
Flipped Explained

What does Flipped Instruction look like in Mrs. Seifans' classroom?

At Home:  On my webpage you will find a page for every lesson we do!  On that page there will be a lesson video that the students will usually be assigned to watch at home.  They will be required to take notes on each video to show me the next day in class.  There will be times where a paper assignment will be brought home in addition to the video or instead of.

  • Watch the video and take notes at home (try some computer practice to check understanding 

In Class: Together we will discuss questions about the lesson, do warm-ups, engage in group/partner activities and do individual/partner practice.  At the end of lessons students will have a chance to take a checkpoint to demonstrate understanding of the lesson.

What will be graded/checked?

  • Lesson Notes will be checked off
  • Lesson practice packets
  • Lesson Checkpoints
  • Quizzes and Tests

For more detailed information about flipped  please read the document found  below: 

Flipped Instruction Q&A!


High quality instruction is standards-based, incorporates a variety of assessment and teaching strategies, and is delivered through a well-articulated curricular plan.


Frequently Asked Questions about Flipped Instruction


What is the “flipped instructional model”?

In the traditional classroom the teacher presents the content during class, and students do their application of the content (homework) outside of class.  In the flipped classroom, this process is reversed or “flipped”. Students view much of the primary content in video format, and then do application activities under the teacher’s guidance during class.


How is this model expected to help students learn?

The flipped instructional model allows the teacher to see the students’ strengths and needs as they practice applying the skills and concepts that have been presented on video. The teacher can then focus feedback, guidance and additional teaching right when the student needs it.


How does this model demonstrate the school district’s efforts to personalize instruction?


·         It allows presentation of the material to be matched to the needs of the students. Students who need repetition are able to access multiple different presentations of the same topic, or the same presentation multiple times. Students who need to move more quickly through the material can do so. No student’s learning is rushed ahead or slowed down based on the needs of others.

·         It allows classroom instruction to be individualized; all students can interact with the teacher during class in the way that will be most helpful given individual learning needs.


How do students and teachers work together using the flipped model?

·         Teachers help students understand the learning goal, how learning will take place, and how their progress will be supported and evaluated.

·         Teachers use strategies to prepare and motivate students to learn.

·         Teachers show students how to access videos and explain the expectations for viewing.

·         Students view the video presentation of a lesson in or away from school, repeating as needed, taking notes, and writing down their questions.

·         In class, students work on activities using  the information presented in the videotaped lesson and accessing help and instruction from the teacher.

·         In class, the teacher and student work together to do whatever is needed get to the next level of learning the particular concepts and skills.

·         The teacher uses class time to engage students in discussions, individual and collaborative problem-solving, practice activities, and to use a variety of instructional strategies designed to support and challenge individual students.


How is equity of resources addressed?  


The content of the instructional movies will be made available to all students in multiple formats.  


What about homework?

The purpose of homework in the flipped instructional model is to provide students with the contents needed to apply the skills to show understanding of that content.  This kind of homework is an integral part of the teaching process, and will allow students to see the essential connection between the work they do in class and the work they do outside of class.


How can students learn from information presented via video?

·         The video is only one element of the instruction. The student is expected to get information from the video presentation as one step in the learning process. During class the teacher will work with the student to ensure that the student is learning the material.

·         The teachers have prepared the instructional videos to be clear and concise. Some are as short as five minutes, others are longer. Students will be instructed to use the pause button when they need to write something down or just to take a minute to process and to use the rewind button when they need to hear information again. Click here to see a video with sample lessons.


What if the student doesn’t understand something in the video?

If your child does not understand something in the video and requests your help there are a number of things you can do:

·         Have your child review the video at a slower pace.

·         Work through example problems.

·         Watch the video with your child.

·         Proceed to the video quiz. Sometimes working through problems and getting immediate feedback is the best way to understand the math concepts being taught. The results of this video quiz can be viewed by the teacher and will alert the teacher to your child’s understanding.

·         Communicate with the teacher. Remember, in the flipped instructional model class time is designed to address students learning needs and concerns immediately.  Also, every teacher will have a way for students to communicate with them. This may be through email, messages on Moodle, or your child’s notebook. If your child is stuck/frustrated, please encourage your child to communicate with the teacher.


What happens if my child falls behind?

The teacher, working with the student each day will be able to determine  whether students are making progress or struggling with a current concept or skill. The teacher can then work with the student in class to provide the need support and instruction.


Does the content of the flipped classroom differ from the content of the traditional classroom?


No, the content for both models is identical. Instruction is based on the same curriculum -  what is different is the instructional approach.


How might this model of instruction affect my child's test scores?

The goal of all models of teaching currently implemented in the school district is to support students in attaining and surpassing standards which have been set in every curriculum area and grade level. We expect to see positive results because flipped instruction by design maximizes each student’s access to personalized attention, and allows teachers to be much more precise in focusing on the learning needs of individual students.


How does the model help prepare students for college and other post-secondary experiences?


An important outcome of each child’s K12 experience is the ability to be self-directed in learning, accomplishing tasks, and accessing support. Flipped instruction is designed to help students develop this ability. Teachers are providing various kinds of support in recognition of the fact that students differ in their readiness and experience with being independent or self-directed learners.