Welcome to Mr. Seifans' Math Class

Welcome students and parents to my classroom website!

   My name is  Alexis Seifans, and I'll be your middle school math teacher for this class.  I feel very blessed to have a job that I love.  I truly enjoy helping my students to grow in their knowledge, understanding, confidence, and enjoyment of mathematics and its many real-world applications.  I have found teaching to be both a challenging and rewarding vocation.  Being a teacher also gives me a wonderful opportunity to be a role model and have a positive impact on the lives of my students.

     As you embark upon the new school year, you must be prepared for a more rigorous academic challenge and the demands of 6th grade.

The goal of this class is to try and formulate in each student a problem-solving mathematical mind. Throughout the course of the year, we will work together to make models of situations and

then use mathematical procedures to make decisions about the situation. Hopefully, each student will learn the skills to solve problems in logical and creative ways. This will be challenging to

all students, but I am here to help and guide you. All that you need to provide is a good attitude and your best effort. I am dedicating myself to making this a productive and rewarding school

year.On this site you will find many online and downloadable resources to assist you in your quest for success in math.


Yes, You Do Use Math in Everyday Life. Click this video link to watch

Why is math so important to you personally?  Check out these 13 reasons.
Why is math so important to our nation and the world?  Check out this article.
How can math help you to get a great job?  Check out this article.